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PROTECT [-R] [-S] filename1 [filename2] ... [+|-|=|h|s|p|a|r|w|e|d] [+|...
* Allows you to alter/see the protection bits associated with a file
or a directory. To see it, you can also use LIST .
You can use wild cards to process multiple files.
* See COPY how to use -r and -s.
* PROTECT filename +bits_to_set -bits_to_clear
Sets all bits_to_set and resets all bits_to_clear.
You can give one + or one - or both or both not.
* PROTECT filename =bits_to_be
Sets all bits_to_be and resets all other bits
eg. protect game +hp -rwd
protect monitor =srwe
protect -r df0:* -d
Bits: "h" hidden V1.3
"s" script V1.3
"p" pure V1.3
"a" archive V1.3 -> is reset when file is changed
"r" readable
"w" writable
"e" executable -> will be checked before executing
"d" deletable